We first know that can cats eat cheese. Images you probably associate with groups of cats include sneaking a bit of cheese or lazily lapping up a dish of milk.
We have some stories about cats not loving dairy going all the way back to ancient Romans, but the reality is that this image has been so ingrained into popular culture that it’s almost a surprise if cats don’t enjoy dairy products.
Really cats can eat cheese without any harm? The truth might surprise you.
While cheese is commonly seen as a feline favorite snack, it’s certainly not something good for them.
The idea of a cat and a block of cheese is endearing, but before offering that to your pet there are a few things to consider.
The Biology of a Cat’s Diet
- Obligate carnivores, cats, have bodies that are particularly engineered to live on a diet high in animal-based proteins and fats.
- They cannot survive on plant based foods like veggies, fruits or grains as omnivores do.
- The high requirements of energy of cats must be met with a high quantity of animal protein, a meat rich diet should be focused.
- Cheese is not part of an optimal cat diet, as it’s a dairy product. Cheese does have protein, along with fat, and not all cats can handle it. Because of that, feeding your cat cheese could potentially upset their balanced diet.
Cheese and Lactose: The Digestive Challenge
- Like many dairy products, cheese is made up of lactose, or milk’s natural sugar.
- The enzyme lactase breaks lactose down, so humans are able to digest it.
- But most adult cats are lactose intolerant (they don’t have enough lactase to break down milk sugar sufficiently).
- If lactose is not broken down in the digestive system, lactose can ferment in the gut, producing symptoms of bloating, gas and diarrhea.
- As a concentrated source of lactose, cheese also makes the digestion issues for cats worse. Hence, cheese, which would otherwise seem harmless, can also take its toll on a cat’s stomach.
Lactose intolerant in Cats
Adult cats are commonly lactose intolerant. Most cats lose the ability to make the enzyme lactase when they wean from their mother’s milk and have difficulty digesting lactose.
While some cats might be able to eat dairy foods every so often, they shouldn’t take the chance. You can experience the uncomfortable symptoms of lactose intolerance after just a tiny bit of milk or cheese.
Lactose intolerance in cats may show symptoms as vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating and abdominal pain.
If your cat does display any of these symptoms after drinking dairy you need to stop dairy in their diet right away.
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Why you might not want to feed your cat cheese
Cats are, generally speaking, lactose intolerant, but not all are equally sensitive to cheese. There are cats who do not mind a little cheese, the taste of it with no clear digestive discomfort.
The reason why there is variance is because different people produce different amounts of lactase enzyme in the digestion systems.
For example, kittens are more able to digest milk which includes lactose.
Ultimately, although these children are able to tolerate dairy products, with age they produce less lactase, making dairy less tolerable.
If your cat is an adult, it’s safer to assume they are lactose intolerant, and leave them out of your cheese offerings.
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Feeding cheese to cats: Risks involved
Any cheese you give your cat can be a problem if it becomes a regular part of the cat’s diet. Furthermore, cheese is very high in fat and calories beyond digestive upset.
The regular consumption of high-fat foods can cause obesity and further up the line, cause problems with diabetes and the joints.
Cheese doesn’t have the essential nutrients felines need to be in optimum health, either. Meat, especially dairy, is what cats need taurine, vitamin A, and other nutrients, not dairy.
In the while that you feed your cat too much of cheese regularly, it is likely to cause a shift in your cat’s nutritional requirements to the disadvantage.
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Nutritional Content of Cheese: What Cats Really Need
But cheese offers some protein and fat to a cat, it’s certainly not something you’d want to include in its daily diet.
Cats shouldn’t consume sodium intake, and most cheeses have those high amounts of sodium.
Eating a high salt diet is bad for your cat’s kidneys, can cause the kidneys to work harder and dehydrate your cat, which also stresses the kidneys.
Grain fed dairy cows (to boost milk and cheese production) are additionally not given the essential nutrients important for feline health, namely: taurine (an amino acid), vitamin A, and arachidonic acid.
The best sources of some of these nutrients are animal based proteins. Therefore, cheese should never be a substitute for a cat’s normal food, which should be specially formulated to provide cats with the nutrients and calories they need.
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When your cat eats cheese, what to do.
In case your cat eat accidentally cheese you want to check them to any possible pain.
In some people symptoms can occur within a few hours of consumption, with symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea or signs of abdominal pain.
In most cases, a little bit of cheese will not harm you right away.
However, if your cat has any symptoms of digestive upset, it’s best to get in touch with a veterinarian. The vet can tell you how to try to manage the symptoms and may suggest other treatments.
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Dairy Alternatives Safe for Cats
So if you’re into giving your cat a dairy like treat, then you can get your cat a lactose free cheese product that’s specifically for cats.
These are products made to taste like cheese without having to eat lactose. Additionally, you may want to provide a small amount of low fat yogurt, as it has less lactose than cheese.
In addition to this, there are many non dairy cat treats on the market designed for kitties. There are different flavors for these treats chicken, tuna or liver and they all match what a cat would normally eat.
All treats should be taken in moderation
If you love to sprinkle cheese, don’t! Instead, give your cat healthy treats that are tailored to meet their nutritional needs.
Choose healthier treats like high protein, low fat foods. You can also feed your cat fresh, cooked meat (chicken or turkey) or use purchased treats that help support your cat’s health.
Don’t forget that you should only add very few treats, which don’t exceed 10% of your cat’s daily calorie needs.
The rest of their diet should be from nutritionally balanced food that contains ingredients to enhance their general health and wellbeing.
wrap up on can cats eat cheese?
Finally, cheese may seem like a tempting, convenient treat for your cat, but it’s really not your best bet.
Cheese is not a good food for most cats because as a rule cheese is rich and contains fat and salt, two nutrients that can cause digestive upset, which can lead to obesity, and lacks other essential nutrients.
If your cat is a dairy fan, consider lactose free options, specially formulated for kitties, or safe, nutritional treats.
If you understand what foods are good for your cat, they can lead a healthy, balanced life, but without the risks you may find in cheese.
Also Read: 4 Easy Homemade Cat Food Recipes for Healthy Cats
FAQ: Can Cats Eat Cheese?
q1: is it safe for cats to eat cheese?
Ans: While some forms of cheese aren’t toxic to cats, it’s not the healthiest thing in the world for them. Forgetting that many cats are lactose intolerant and that cheese can upset their stomachs and cause diarrhea. However, if you do want to give your cat a little cheese (unseasoned and plain) you should provide it with very little and on an occasional basis.
q2: what happens if my cat eats a cheese?
Ans: If your cat eats cheese, that’s normally not a reason for panic. The good news is that most cats are lactose intolerant, so cheese can upset their tummies enough to give them diarrhea or make them vomit. Small amounts are generally okay, but don’t feed cheese frequently. Watch for signs of discomfort and call your vet if the problem does not go away.
q3: why does my cat love cheese?
Ans: Because it smells and tastes rich, cats may enjoy jersey cheese. Cats are obligate carnivores, but their taste buds are fond of the fats in cheese. But many cats are lactose intolerant and cheese should only be offered as a treat on occasion.
q4: can cats eat cheddar cheese?
Ans: Cats can eat small amounts of cheddar cheese occasionally, but it’s not ideal. Many cats are lactose intolerant, and dairy can upset their stomach. Stick to cat-safe treats instead.
Q5: can cheese kill cats?
Ans: While cats are not at all toxic to cheese, it can aggravate their digestive system. But don’t give your cat too much cheese unless you want diarrhea or vomiting, as most cats are lactose intolerant. Small is safer, occasionally.
q6: can cats eat cheese puffs?
Ans : Technically cats can eat cheese puffs, but it’s not recommended. These contain lots of salt, artificial flavors and unhealthy fats, which cats don’t need and lots of cats find it unappetizing and can upset their stomachs.
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